Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cadence's Flute Recital

Cadence began taking flute lessons 3 years ago, through the Gene Nastri School here in Mukilteo.

I admit that I am living a part of my life through my kids! When I was her age, I got to "try out" for the flute at school - there was only one flute available (buying your own flute in those days was simply not an option). Several girls competed for this flute - whoever got a note out of it got to learn. Needless to say, I didn't get the instrument - I got the double-bass instead!!! I don't know how somebody decides - Lisa's crap at the flute - let's give her the biggest string instrument we can find - she'll do much better with that!

Anyways, Cadence is coming to a turning point in her flute playing days. She doesn't want to take part in school band again in 8th grade and doesn't want to entertain the idea of joining the Everett Youth Symphony orchestra (option B). She really enjoys her private lessons and the music she plays with her teacher (Kristie Wiant) ... we're not sure what's next for her musical career, but she says she'd be happy just taking lessons from Kristie for a while ... so, we will do that and wait and see what High School brings along in a year.

She's made some major progress this year with her breathing and 'embouchure' and she's sounding great!

Yes, she has spent many times trying to teach me how to make a sound on the flute - after all these years - I still can't do it :( I'll stick to my only musical outlet - very rusty piano playing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One of the best kept secrets in Lynnwood ...

The name of the church I attend is The Rock Church.

(This sentence is such a weak description of my feelings - its more than "the church I attend" but for now, it will have to do).

You can find their website here. You can listen to past sermons, become a fan on Facebook and read the church's blog.

I LOVE this church! It has been so many things to me over the ... almost 10 years(!) I've been attending.

This is the place where I came to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. This is where I received acceptance - not judgement - for simply being me. This is where I went to grieve and ultimately began to heal. This is where I am planted and growing. I feel like I can be myself here and I am accepted - warts and all!

Somebody recently described The Rock Church as "one of the best kept secrets in Lynnwood" - and I whole-heartedly agree.

"Helping people discover a growing relationship with Jesus Christ" and "a church for the unchurched" are the philosophies of this place. Its a safe place to come and find out more.

Now, when I say "Church" what do you picture in your mind? An old brick building?, tall spires?, stained glass windows?, that old fusty smell perhaps?

The Biblical term for church is not the building - its the PEOPLE!

That is how our church is.

We meet in the great hall of a high school. Everything needed for Sunday mornings is stored in a huge trailer ... and stored off-site ... and trucked in every Sunday.

When I say I love my church, it is the people I love. We've pulled together when times got rough, we've prayed for families when their babies were dedicated, cried for joy when friends were baptized, supported families during their troubles and laughed at each other's misfortunes and mistakes ... We are a friendly bunch, big on get togethers and Life Groups (Bible Study groups), genuinely interested in people and doing life together.

We've dedicated time and money to important non-profit organizations in the Lynnwood area, national disaster relief and overseas and loved upon and welcomed new people, young and old who have walked through its doors.

If you have needs or are curious about the whole Church thing, you are welcome to come and check us out! No strings attached - honestly. Come grab a coffee, even pick up a welcome gift, and experience a unique Sunday morning. Please, don't wait for an invitation to come from me - if you read my blog (and you live in the greater Seattle area) - this is your personal invitation from me - just show up!

Wear your fave pair of jeans - no need to dress up - unless you want to :) Coffee will be good and hot and the music will be LOUD. 10 am start.

I look forward to meeting you there sometime soon!

If you don't know who I am, just listen for the dulcet tones of a Yorkshire accent - and you'll have found me.

By the way, next Sunday is Mother's Day - there's a special morning celebrating Mums starting at 9.30am - all I can say is that it will be "YUMMY".

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Patience Strong

I'm a big fan of a little known English poet from the 1940's and 1950's.

I grew up reading my Mum's "Women's Realm" magazines. Each week, they'd feature a poem by Patience Strong.

I don't know much about her, but I have always enjoyed the simpleness of her poetry and her faith in God.

Tomorrow is Muriel's (my Mum's) birthday. So in honour of your birthday, Mum, here's a poem which, funnily enough is found in a daily poetry book I own ... for tomorrow, May 4th.

"Someone is Thinking of You" by Patience Strong

Someone remembers - and somebody cares.
Your name is mentioned in somebody's prayers ...
Keep the bright hope of the future in view.
Someone is thinking of you.

I love you, Mum. I'm so proud of you. I still hate being 4952.32 miles away on our special days. Take care of yourself, keep dancing, keep happy, keep healthy ... we're counting down the days!