Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Shape of my Heart

I drove home yesterday afternoon from visiting a friend. I had a heavy heart. I arrived home and saw my husband, Craig, busying himself with preparations for some more friends coming over later in the evening and I just needed a hug. I was teary-eyed with emotion from contemplating some big changes going on in our life right now.

I'm sure Craig thought I was PMT-ing, but no, I was grieving ... the upcoming move of a good friend (and her family).

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for my friends that they're moving on to bigger things. I'm excited about their new adventure! We've experienced many, many, many good friends move away (its not like they're moving, for example, to England!) We do go back a long way and they were instrumental in saving our lives, gave us hope on many occasions, and so have earned our utmost trust and respect. We share very similar hearts, my friend and me ... she's been such a blessing in my life ... and I love her so much.

I am being selfish (grief can be selfish in a way). I am going to miss her! I know that if I don't keep my emotions in check that I could become bitter - and I can't allow myself to do that! Our friendship is too important to let Satan destroy it. I'm praying for my friend to be strong ... I think she needs so much strength and comfort right now.

Her friendship is worth so much to me and I'm going to struggle through and be determined to keep it alive and remain in her life. She's never met a Yorkshire Lass before and I don't think that she realizes that Yorkshire Folk take their time when choosing their friends, but when they do, they do it wisely and for LIFE.

I'm a closet Toby Mac fan - and I'm quoting from the song "Face of the Earth" on the portable sounds cd:
...Its been way too long and we've come too far for you to drop out (of) my life like a falling star...

... and I wholeheartedly mean that!

Enjoy your evening!


Unknown said...

oh lisa. i can relate to having a heavy heart. praying for you that God will uplift you and Craig's spirits! i appreciate your honesty and transparency. it helps me to see that i am not the only one who feels these things and we can lift each other up!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your heart Lisa. The feelings are definately mutual:) I look forward to connecting a lot in the future! Thank goodness we aren't moving to another country...I would miss you terribly.