Friday, September 19, 2008

Cuppa Tea

I've had these thoughts saved in my drafts folder for a few weeks now. Seems apt to post it now, following on the heels of yesterday's Tea Time Title.

Tea is the BEST drink in the whole wide world!

I know, living in Seattle - the COFFEE capital of the world that I should embrace the cuppa joe philosophy ... and I do - once a day!

Tea is what I drink with my breakfast, lunch and dinner and supper and anytime in-between. Before I begin a project. Before I go out. When I come back home. When anybody calls round. When I want to take a break. I'm sure you get the picture by now. The kettle is always on.

The hot amber nectar (orange pekoe/Tetley British Blend) and a splash of milk just works magic on me - giving me what I need to make it the next cup!

Craig and I laugh about this because he's just as much of a tea freak as I am. He calls me on his cell-phone usually for one of two reasons: (1) when he's leaving work to tell me to "Gerra-brew-on", or (2) he forgot to set the video and needs a soccer game recording. I must admit that I have learned to enjoy other varieties of tea, but Craig, unfortunately has not.

He calls my other teas "foo-foo" tea, meaning anything not resembling that milky, malty elixir aka The Great British Cuppa.

My personal Foo-Foo Faves are Rooibos/African/Red tea/honeybush - they're all the same - caffeine free - but strong, full-bodied and sweet, Green Tea, but only with a berry infusion and oddly enough at bedtime I enjoy chamomile tea.

I've kind of flirted with coffee for many years. I seriously began to appreciate its energizing benefits when I began working out, well, AFTER working out! I can go home and vacuum right through the house, without stopping for a ... cuppa:) I drink a tall Americano, extra room and a tiny splash of cream, sometimes with a little cinnamon on top.

Craig, like I said, will not try coffee AT ALL - "nasty stuff" he calls it. Hot Chocolate, Starbucks Strawberries & Cream Frappucino, Raspberry Green Tea Lemonade are his faves. We quite often take a 'date walk' up to Starbucks - approximately 20 minutes walk away (with Meg). I'll order low-fat versions, or half the amount of sweetener (he's sweet enough already) of his drink, and embarrass the heck out of him for asking for something 'different'. As soon as I open my mouth and speak, I've got their attention anyways!

I see that there's a Pumpkin Spice Latte back on the chalkboard at Sbux this week ... hmmm, I believe Lattes are for people who don't really enjoy the taste of coffee. I'm sure by making that remark, I'll get some comments:)


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that its never wise to surf the internet without a cuppa.
The other thing you left out is sometimes Tea is too wet without.....a biscuit (that's cookie to you non-anglophiles out there).
Anyways, gotta go make a brew.....

Unknown said...

as a beginning tea-drinker, i enjoyed this post especially. however, i LOVE both coffee AND pumpkin spice lattes. MMmmmmmm.

Unknown said...

All of this tea talk made me want a cuppa so I brewed Scott and myself sweet coconut thai chai with honey(from the plastic bear) and some cream. Yummy! I seem to forget how good tea is. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Michelle! what are you doing? you "forget how good tea is"....stop putting foo-foo stuff in it (except a little milk)& truly enjoy a good, honest cuppa tea:)
Scott, you shock me, c'mon, stand up & be counted......thai chai, honey, cream......STOP THIS INSANITY!

Anonymous said...

Craig, what do you say to Lisa when she asks you, "How do I look?" You say "great", right?

Well, after Michelle was clanking around the kitchen for about 10 minutes and brought me this foo-foo thing in a cup and asked me, "Well, how is it?"...

nough said!

Anonymous said...

Fair comment Scott.... I knew I could rely on a real man.