Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Pics

Here are some pics from our little Christmas, and I'm sure that I'll post a few more in a couple of days.

Curtis (and Craig) got a bag-full of Nirvana cds from Santa, Meg got a box of treats, I got a cashmere scarf all the way from Ireland. (I've never felt cashmere before - its like a little bunny's tail - I'm in LOVE, and Craig's bank balance may live to regret introducing me to this material). Cadence received too many gifts (its so easy to buy for girls:) but I think her fave was an ihome alarm clock and ipod player.

Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without Crackers just before our Dinner. Everybody has to wear the crown and tell the joke - and everybody gets one token Brussel Sprout with their meal ... and they MUST eat it! Between dinner and dessert, we do the dishes, then make room for dessert by 'jumping down the dinner' - something my dad started years ago. I unfortunately am banned from serving Christmas Pudding though, as I'm the only one who enjoys it, so apple pie and custard is what we serve.

I hope your Christmas was sweet and filled with traditions and new memories.

The snow has almost gone now, Curtis has his car insurance (from Santa), so I'm going to be chauffeur-driven around town for the next week!

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