Sunday, July 6, 2008

Strawberry Fields Forever ... and ever ... and ever

We went strawberry picking yesterday! We took a quick drive to Biringer Farms in Marysville, about 20 minutes north of us. Well, it is about 20 minutes if you know where you're going! Took us a little longer:)

We took a trolley ride out to the field then, within 20 minutes, we had what looked like half a ton of big, beautiful shiny red berries. They were lovely and clean, thanks to the 24 hour thunder and rain storm which hit us last week. Oh, yeah, and we ate probably another half ton when we were picking them (they were soooo good).

We had strawberry shortcake last night, berries for breakfast and berries at lunch, I can only eat half a cup of fruit at a time, so I'm freezing the rest of them (before they go bad) and we can put them into smoothies from now until .... Christmas probably:)

Raspberries will be at their peak in a couple of weeks, so I'm hoping to go back.


Lori James said...

Hey Lisa- It is great to see your blog. I found your link on the Barrons page. I cannot believe how your kids have grown. Cadence is beautiful! It looks like you guys are doing great. We think about Curtis and Cadence often. If you don't mind, I am going to link your blog onto our family blog page. Our blog is Come check it out if you want. By the way, in case you were wondering- This is Lori Sexton although Aaron and I changed our last names to James.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa
It's Sue. From England. Yes I know you thought we'd lost touch - but we haven't really. See my email reply too.
Now,about this strawberry picking. What a PIGLET! Eating all those extras - did you pay? Nickin' you was...(English speak)
We live in Strawberry valley here in Somerset (SW england)and for years and years all the local area was market gardens and strawberries taken by train to Bristol, Cardiff, Gloucester and London. Still get them - but on a much smaller scale. And it's not pick your own which is boring!
Today they are swimming strawberries. Torrential rain for 2+ days, the nearby moors are flooded. It can only be England in July!! Hugs Sue xxx

Anonymous said...

A few years ago, while living in Marysville Scott experienced a strawberry disaster. I didn't witness it but Molly came home to find him cursing and throwing things out of the trunk. I had forgot to take the bucket of sugared strawberries out of the trunk and drove around for a long while. You can guess what happend I'm glad I wasn't there to witness it or I may not be here to tell the story today:) It's a miracle he was able to get it clean!