Sunday, August 24, 2008

Childish Talk

Even though my kids are growing up - heck - one almost has his driver's licence! We still use the childish and very cute pet names for items and stuff which, as little kids, they mispronounced. Here's a list of some:

Mulk = milk
Basketti Bominase = spaghetti bolognese
Tra-bat = battery
Tertis = Curtis
Pancar = Grampa
Tanks = thanks
Wossat fang? = what's that smell?
"Tertis is a wierdo-headi-yack" = Cadence's term of endearment for her brother

Our 2 favourites are:

(From Cadence) ... No-nee = a word used to describe the feeling of touching something velvety, furry or silky. Eg, toys, animals, the sheepskin rugs at Ikea or my pj's. When she was little, the word also incorporated the action of grinding her teeth - I think that it conjured up something emotional within her.

(From Curtis) ... Testicle = Popsicle (ice lolly). He was only 3 1/2 years old, but we still laugh about that one!

Hope I gave you a chuckle, and I hope your family is as silly as mine!


Unknown said...

some of our current favorites courtesy of aidan:

doopup = ketchup
bot-tone = bottom
dup = chip
muk = milk (!)
toot = well, toot!
deuce = juice
beedeedees = strawberries

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm going to have fun with the "testicle" one. Curtis, watch your back!