Monday, January 5, 2009

Bad Hair Rant

Over the years, I've had many hairstyles. I used to have it permed, used to colour it and tried highlights too. I've gone from shoulder-length curls to less than one inch long and spiky (and everywhere in between)!

During the past 5 years or so, I've enjoyed chin-length straight hair and the ability to tie it up has been a bonus for me. I've been happy with it, happy with my hairdresser and I've not given it much more thought than that ... until recently ...

Right now, I'm not loving my hair. There are several factors contributing to this.

One: the weather - I have fine, fly-away hair at the best of times, so I'm experiencing static hair because of the indoor heat and cold outside. I can't seem to style it without putting on a ton of gunk and goop and when I do, I go outside and it 'drops'.

Two: grey hairs seem to be sprouting in abundance - they're a different texture to my hair, so they're sticking up and waving their big silver strands which seem to be saying "hey! look at me!!" I want to grow old(er) gracefully, but I'm losing the battle of plucking out the greys with the tweezers!

I haven't coloured my hair for years and I'm kind of scared of doing so. Plus, I'm a tight-wad and I don't want to pay my hairdresser extortionate amounts of cash to camouflage the greys (I feel like I pay her enough to cut it). I have to do something - I feel a trip to the drugstore is possibly in order, if I can get over my fear of turning my hair mahogany or plum (I once turned it black by mistake).

But the main reason for not loving my hair is ...

Three: I had an appointment with my hairdresser just before Christmas. I must admit that I am the world's biggest procrastinator when it comes to getting my hair cut!

I've been thinking about finding a new hairdresser since the summer, but, since I procrastinate, I haven't done a single thing about it ... except for thinking ...

This is the third haircut I've had that I've not been too thrilled about.

She did have a very good reason this time though. Her doggy was dying. She was telling me this as I was sitting in the chair with shampoo up to my ears. I'm cringing, and thinking, I wish she'd have called and cancelled me.

She re-tells the story that she's probably told all her clients that day ... her friend arrives - she'd just returned from visiting the dog at the vets ... my hairdresser gets a phone call from the vet ... she gets upset ... she's still cutting my hair!

She's left long bits, given me short bits and even shorter bits - and I don't know what she's done with the back of my head - it doesn't look right. I daren't go back and complain because she'll only cut it shorter. And in the back of my mind, I remember that her hobby is playing on an all girl ice-hockey team (I'm not intimidated by her, but I'd hate to cross her). It takes me forever to style it now, which I HATE. I'm used to blow-drying, spraying hairspray - and I'm set for the day.

I've been with this lady for 6 years or so. Usually, she's very good, but lately, not so good. She's a sweetheart, and yes, she had to have her dog put to sleep in the end (I can relate totally to what kind of emotional state she was in when she cut my hair, having gone through this experience myself - and I should be thankful that I still have both my ear-lobes).

If anybody can recommend a good LOCAL hairstylist - who is reasonably priced, PLEASE let me know ... I'm not going back ... well, at least for another 8 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Without a doubt the best & cheapest hairdresser I've had for the last 24 years!
I think you look fab but I must admit you need to find a new hairdresser, cos I'm fed up of hearing about this one ;)
As for the grey hairs.....better than no hair.

Sarah B said...

I go to Rebecca at the Split end on the Speedway. Really like her. She wasn't intimidated to cut my hair which can be quite scary at times. Her kids went to Meadowdale pre-school.