Friday, January 30, 2009

Car Keys and Julie Andrews

Curtis passed his driving test back in October. He had to wait until he had car insurance (a Christmas present) to drive again. Boy, did he whine! So, we whined about the fact that he didn't have a job. He got car insurance, but has done absolutely diddly squat about the job!

He doesn't go many places (which I'm thankful for). Probably because he can only drive solo or with a family member right now ... until March.

He's doing good. I'm figuring out how to manage my own emotions a little better - I am learning to stop worrying about him when he's out. We have rules set down for his driving. He has to text me when he's leaving someplace and coming home, no phone calls when he's driving, music turned down, hoodie hood OFF. He still needs his Mum - when the gas tank is empty, for example, or, when he's hungry - which is a constant thing!

He's a good kid, excellent student, hard working ... he genuinely wants to listen to the advice his Mum and Dad give to him, he's extremely mature in many ways ... but he still teases the heck out of his sister and torments the dog (which I like to see).

Cadence has just turned 13. Things are changing between us (again). She's drawing closer - I think she's becoming aware of the beginnings of changes in her body and possibly needs some reassurance. Cadey is the most fun-loving, happy-go-lucky girl I know! She's always been like this. She's a bright star in my life and she brings me so much joy.

She's auditioning on Monday for a part in the school play - The Sound of Music.

This is my most watched movie of all time. I have an Aunt - Hi! GrAuntie Jean!!! who took me to see it every year (for many years) when it was playing at the movies when I was a kid - good memories because it meant a weekend at her house, which was a treat.

BTW - she's now GrAuntie because she's my kids' Great Aunt:) and I'm her Flee - always have been ... I feel lucky because she gave my brother Jon the nickname of KIPPER!!

So, Cadey and I will be learning lines this weekend and practising "The Hills are Alive" song. She's wanting to work on an accent too - I only know one, and Fraulein Maria with a Yorkshire accent might be a little odd, don't you think? We have the movie on video - I'll dig it out (and the old vcr and we'll run through it) ... we're doing absolutely NOTHING on Sunday afternoon - I hear there's a little football game going on, but Craig can record that!

I'm hoping that she gets more than a walk-on part - this could be so good for her - wish her luck!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you are enjoying your family Lisa! I think it is so fun to see what gifts and talents emerge in our children!Enjoy:)